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Roadkil's Cipher Text

Latest Version1.1
This Version Downloads19,442
All Versions Downloads19,627
File Size37,232 bytes
File Date14 September 2009
Languages SupportedEnglish
Download Time
6.6 s @ 56Kb/s0.7 s @ 512Kb/s
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Program Description

Encrypts plain text so you can send it to other people without worrying about 3rd parties reading it. Data is encrypted using a password provided by you and unless you have the password it cant be recovered.

Screen Shots

Arthur Kempan for sending in the photo of Smokey used in the Windows version.

Other Versions

VersionOperating SystemsInstallerFile Size
1.1Windows 9x/Me, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10 or 11No37232 Bytes