Forums > Error when importing .bin-files with the sector edSearch  Log In
Joined: 5 Jun 2010
Posted: 5 Jun 2010
Hi folks,

i need some help with the Sector editor...
I try to recover a damaged external hard drive of a friend.
It seems to be a headcrash cause the drive makes a clicking sound.
Unfortunately, rawcopy failed at 0.04% so i tried something different.
With the editor I have acces to all sectors of the drive and i'm even able to export the sectors into .bin-files.

Here my problem:
When i try to import the .bin-files to another (empty) drive an error occurs:
"Error encountered writing at sector 0.
Do you wish to ignore errors and continue?"

When i ignore, more errors occur:
"Error encountered writing at sector 128"
"Error encountered writing at sector 256" and so on...

What do i wrong?

Is there any possibility to use the .bin-files with another program (e.g.
extracting the original files from the .bin.files)?

Thanks for your answers.

Best regards,

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