Forums > Unable To Eject Device - It is currently in useSearch  Log In
Joined: 21 Sep 2009
N / A
Posted: 21 Jan 2010

Don't suppose you'd like to try and create an app for this annoying error that has existed since way back?

When you have closed every file and folder, and are sitting on the desktop, and STILL have this error, your 2 unpleasant options are:

1.) Pull Drive (Corruption Beware!)
2.) Shutdown (Would prefer not to...)

So, how about an app that tells you WHAT THE &^%$ is using it, and the option to kill it, so the drive may be safely removed :p

Enjoy the rest of your day!

- Reelix
OldTime Coder
Joined: 10 Apr 2010
Midwest, USA
Posted: 10 Apr 2010
You might want to try HotSwap!, at - I have even used it to dismount and remount an eSATA external drive, hooked into the internal sata connector.
I got the original suggestion frow Uwe Sieber on his USB drive letter management page
Sieber has a lot of good stuff on USB drives and management thereof.
/s/ OTC

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