Forums > DHCPfind and closing problemSearch  Log In

Joined: 9 Apr 2008
Perth, Australia
Posted: 10 Apr 2008
System: Win2K Sp4

Program fails on shutdown if run from an NTFS file system, but if I run from a net drive or a floppy disk runs ok. I think it has something to do with writing to the file "logfile" it creates on close.
Can you reproduce?


Joined: 9 Apr 2008
Perth, Australia
Posted: 10 Apr 2008
the above file was 3.6KB and has been resized by your forum. I doubt anyone can post a readable image :-(

here is the image:

Joined: 9 Apr 2008
Perth, Australia
Posted: 10 Apr 2008
by the way what info is in the "logfile" and why is is it created?
Joined: 28 Mar 2008
South Australia
Posted: 13 Apr 2008
Very strange! Thanks for the bug report ill have to look into that one.

I had a look into this log file thing and theres definately no file creation routines in the entire program so ill a little confused by this one! Ill see if i can replicate and put up updated version on line as soon as i can.


Joined: 9 Apr 2008
Perth, Australia
Posted: 10 Nov 2008

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